FBE Statement on the situation in Istanbul
The FBE condemns the ruling of the Second Instanbul Civil Court of First Instance to dismiss Istanbul Bar Association President Ibrahim Kaboglu and its board members, and then to order…
The FBE condemns the ruling of the Second Instanbul Civil Court of First Instance to dismiss Istanbul Bar Association President Ibrahim Kaboglu and its board members, and then to order…
The FBE is gravely concerned for the fate of independent lawyers in Iran. The assault on independent lawyers is intensifying, targeting lawyers who defend protestors and dissidents, In January 2025, 20 lawyers…
On February 23, 2025, the Istanbul Bar Association held a historic Extraordinary General Assembly in response to illegal investigations and prosecutions initiated against the Bar. This gathering, which took place…
Registration : fbe.org/summit WLinL agenda v4
In many countries around the world, January 24 is celebrated as Endangered Lawyers Day. This year's Endangered Lawyers Day focuses on the situation in Belarus. International Endangered Lawyers Day is…
Date: 30 January 2025 Time: 10.00 -…
2025 ICC Application Form2025 ICC. Terms and Conditions
Agnieszka Poteralska represented the New Technologies Commission at the “Forum Legal Transformation 2024” organized by EY Academy of Business. The annual event, held in Warsaw, brings together a wide range…
Closing Report_AI _ BALANCING LIBERTY, SECURITY AND DEMOCRACY_2024.11.29 AI, Balancing Liberty, Security and Democracy_def.EN
It matters to us whether you use AI. It matters to us whether you think using AI in legal practice makes sense at all. Or are you not interested in…
See attached report. HRC report
Members of the FBE Human RIghts Commission have arrived in Colombia in August 2024 for the 8th International Delegation of Jurists, the Colombia Caravana. The Caravana is meeting with lawyers,…
A los Colegios miembros de la Federación de Colegios de Abogados de Europa Agli Ordini forensi membri della FBE An die Mitgliedskammern des Verbands Europäischer Rechtsanwaltskammern Aux Barreaux membres…
The FBE condemns the imprisonment of lawyer Sonia Dahmani in Tunisia. She was sentenced on appeal to 8 months in prison for statements deemed critical of President Kaïs Saïed. During…
Physically attending registrationVirtual attending registration per WEBEX
This year's International Legal Tech Competition on the theme “AI-Powered Legal Practice: Upholding the Rule of Law” was won by Joana Domingues representing Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses. Her presentation titled…
Dear President, Dear Colleague, We are pleased to announce the second edition of the FBE ADR Awards, a creation driven by the Mediation Commission, with the objective of establishing a…
All member bar associations of the FBE can send up to 2 young lawyers to Gdansk for the Human Rights Oratory Competition. The topic is: "What is the impact of legislation…
Information and registration : https://www.congres-fbe-2024.com/frThe Secret in all its StatesPROGRAM ENGLISHPROGRAM ESPAÑOLPROGRAM FRPROGRAM GERMANPROGRAM ITA
We are proud to announce that the first stage of the International LegalTech Competition has concluded, and we now know the finalists of this year's edition. They are: •…
We are proud to announce that the CREA II project, of which we were a partner, has just finished. CREA II is a European research project funded by the European…
Survey of the Equality and Diversity Commission of the European Bars Federation. (google.com) Please respond before May 25, 2024 Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire, which…
The FBE condemns the arrest and imprisonment of lawyers, Sonia Dahmani and Mahdi Zagroubi in Tunisia. Sonia Dahmani, a prominent critic of the government, was arrested on Saturday 11th May…
The Committee of Coordination of Bar Actions within the European Bars Federation chaired by the Cluj Bar, in collaboration with the Cluj Bar and the Westminster & Holborn Law Society,…
The conference will adopt a hybrid format, with in-person sessions at the Barcelona Bar Association building and online sessions via Zoom. The conference link is provided here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87843897271 This conference…
Dear colleagues and FBE members, ⚖️ We have the greatest pleasure to invite actively engaged lawyers from your bar associations, mediators, judges and legal practitioners from all across Europe to…
REGISTRATION HERE : https://barreaualger-event-dz.com/ If you are interested in attending the Assises de la Méditerranée, we kindly invite you to complete the following form. Please be aware this is not…
Warsaw Summit ReportSummary of 8 April 2024 @ Columns Hall in the Polish parliamentopening speechesFBE President Izabela KonopackaVice-Dean of the District Bar Council in Warsaw, Advocate Katarzyna Gajowniczek-PruszyńskaImm.past Minister of…
We have decided to extend the application deadline for the 1st stage of ILTC 2024 from the original March 31, 2024, to May 15, 2024. This change, along with the…
With great pleasure we invite you to participate the webinar DOING EASTERN organized by the Eastern Bars committee of the Federation of European Bar Associations. Use the opportunity to find out…
Riunione di Microsoft Teams Partecipa da computer, app per dispositivi mobili o dispositivo della stanza Fai clic qui per partecipare alla riunione ID riunione: 326 072 102 456Passcode: KHQchp 2024.2.28_Locandina…
In 2021, a group of lawyers and lawyers’ organisations came together to establish an annual International Fair Trial Day (IFTD) to be observed every year on 14 June. This initiative…
Rising systemic persecution of lawyers in Iran Lawyers continue to face systemic persecution for defending human rights in Iran, the Coalition for the Endangered Lawyer warns. The Coalition, a network…
FBE is delighted to extend an invitation to the conference concluding a two-year scientific project, where we proudly served as a partner: Final Conference on Small Claims Dispute Resolution (Small…
digitizing_agenda Information : https://portal.oa.pt/ordem/representacao-internacional/fbe-federation-des-barreaux-d-europe/digitizing-justice-empowering-legal-conference/oa-fbe-conference-registration/
Our colleague Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian lawyer and fervent defender of women’s rights, was once again arbitrarily arrested and physically assaulted on Sunday, October 29, 2023, by the Iranian police…
As we approach the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enactment, we should take a closer look at its history and influence. For the UDHR to still…
Dear Presidents of the FBE Bar members, As the president of the European Bars Federation (FBE), I am pleased to invite you or yourappointed representative to join the FBE Equality…
Broadly understood Human Rights are the inalienable right of each of us. Unfortunately, the modern world shows how much we have to fight for them in order to be faithful…
On the 15th September in Rotterdam, the FBE Human Rights Commission with the Rotterdam Bar organised a very well attended meeting with lawyers from Belarus on-line, members of the Rotterdam…
The Family Law Commission at The European Bars Federation /FBE/ invites family lawyers, judges and legal practicioners from Europe actively engaged in Family Law to save the date for International…
Click below to see the official statement: Denouncement of Iran — View PDF File
On 14 th July the FBE President Izabela Konopacka was awarded the Medal of Honor by the Portuguese Bar Association (the Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses) for the support the FBE…
The FBE's New Technologies Commission is proud to announce the recent publication of guidelines titled "European Lawyers in the Era of ChatGPT". These guidelines address the responsible use of generative…
THE TEAM FROM THE PORTUGUESE BAR ASSOCIATION WINS THE 2023 FBE INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT COMPETITION Lisbon was the venue from 30 June to 2 July for the 2023 FBE International Contract…
The International LegalTech Competition 2023, centered around the theme "Algorithms, Ethics, and Law," successfully concluded on June 23rd and 24th, 2023, in Wrocław, Poland. This competition provided an invaluable platform…
WHERE? In Rotterdam, Netherlands WHEN? September 15 and 16th September 2023 WHO? Lawyers and Law Students under 35 years of age WHY? The Competition is a great opportunity to: practice…
On 17 th June 2023 the Presidency Election took place during the General Assembly on the ocassion of the FBE General Congress organized excellently by Amsterdamse Orde van Advocaten. We…
FBE ODAGE Unaccompanied minors from arrival to deportation and aplication of Children rights convention
The Presidency of the European Bars Federation, the association representing over 210 Bar members and their 1000 000 member lawyers, expresses its grave concerns on the current state of affair…
We are delighted to inform you that our Committee has organised the celebration of the “FBE European ADR Awards”, in order to promote even further the recognition the institution of…
2023 FBE International Contract Competition - Terms and conditions FBE International Contract Competition 2023 - Application Form
We are delighted to announce the results of the 1st stage of the International Legal Tech Competition “Algorithms, Ethics and Law”! The FBE New Technologies Commission wants to express its…
We are excited to announce that the Fédération des Barreaux d´Europe (FBE), together with the Ordem dos Advogados de Portugal, will be organizing the ‘Women Leaders in Law’ Summit on…
The FBE Presidency together with the past presidents Michele Lucherini and Silvia Gimenez Salinas took part in the Assises de la Méditerranée held under title: "l'Avocat et le Tribunal Mediatique" organised by…
On the occasion of the international Women´s Day, the FBE is excited to celebrate the achievements of Women in the legal profession around the world. We are proud to have…
On the sidelines of a meeting in Belgrade, the President of the Eastern Bars Committee, Mr. Rajko Maric met the President, Mr. Anar Baghirov and Head of the Administrative Office,…
Two massive earthquakes hit Turkey on February 6, 2023, the first of which had a magnitude of 7.7 with its epicenter being the Pazarcık district of the Kahramanmaraş province and…
Access to Justice and Relief of Court’s Workload - International Conference co-organized by the FBE and ICAB on the occasion of Festivity of Sant Raimon de Penyafort. Excellent discussions on…
The FBE supports all those in danger in Afghanistan. Since the capture of Kabul by the Taliban in 2021, the situation of lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in Afghanistan has worsened.…
Registration form
The FBE New Technologies Commission is pleased to report that the European Bars Federation announced the next edition of the International LegalTech Competition. The FBE acknowledges the increasing importance of…
A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants in action, such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property,…
We are pleased to inform that on June 22, 2022 at 4 pm (GMT+3) the International LegalTech Competition “E-Access to Justice” organized by the FBE New Technologies Commission will take place at the Attorneys’ Training Center in Sofia (Bulgaria). During the event, the Finalists of the Competition will present their presentations to the jury. The task of the contestants will be to demonstrate how the digitalization of justice may increase the efficiency of the legal system and facilitate access to justice.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most of our events and competitions were postponed until the situation allowed its correct implementation. However, as the situation has improved greatly, the FBE has been holding back some important events that are part of the identity and nature of this organization.